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ABA: The American Bankers Association
Banking Topic


Mortgage servicers handle the day-to-day administrative tasks of home loans, including receiving payments, sending monthly statements and managing escrow accounts.

Related Topics

ABA has consistently expressed concern that the CFPB’s Mortgage Servicing Rules are unnecessarily complex and burdensome, and impede the ability of banks to provide high-quality servicing to borrowers in the communities they serve.

Promoting Homeownership Opportunities for All

ABA and its member banks believe everyone in this country should have the chance to own a home. Working with a range of stakeholders, ABA supports a number of specific policy changes that could remove some of the barriers standing in the way, especially in underserved communities.

See ABA's efforts

Participate in the COVID Help for Home Initiative

ABA and several industry and community groups are offering access to ready-to-use materials educating consumers on their mortgage relief options. Materials are free to members and fully customizable.

Access the Toolkit
Servicing Regulatory Proposals

Our Experts

Rod Alba

Rod Alba

Senior Vice President, Real Estate Finance

Contact Rod
Sharon Whitaker

Sharon Whitaker

Vice President, Commercial Real Estate & Mortgage Finance

Contact Sharon
Deborah Whiteside

Deborah Whiteside

Senior Vice President, Vendor Evaluation

Innovation & Finance

Contact Deborah
Teshale Smith

Teshale Smith

Senior Counsel, Regulatory Compliance and Policy

Contact Teshale

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