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ABA: The American Bankers Association
Banking Topic


An appraisal is an unbiased estimate of a home's true or fair market value. Challenges for banks include appraisal availability and a shrinking talent pool, and long-term changes will be required to address these and more fundamental problems with the current appraisal environment.

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Banks report that the limited number of qualified appraisers willing to accept assignments in many of their markets poses challenges to the appraisal process--even when the bank is willing to pay a premium for the assignment.

Promoting Homeownership Opportunities for All

ABA and its member banks believe everyone in this country should have the chance to own a home. Working with a range of stakeholders, ABA supports a number of specific policy changes that could remove some of the barriers standing in the way, especially in underserved communities.

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2018 Commercial Real Estate Survey Report

This survey provides an unbiased yearly snapshot of industry activity and bankers' responses to market, regulatory, and other developments.

Read the Report

ABA Resources

Appraisal Regulatory Proposals

Appraisals: Reg Z Requirements

Learn permitted and prohibited valuation-related activities, prohibition on conflicts of interest, and additional valuation independence requirements.

Register Today

Our Experts

Sharon Whitaker

Sharon Whitaker

Vice President, Commercial Real Estate & Mortgage Finance

Contact Sharon
Rod Alba

Rod Alba

Senior Vice President, Real Estate Finance

Contact Rod

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