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ABA: The American Bankers Association
Banking Topic

Small Dollar Lending

Banks offer a variety of short-term/small-dollar credit including: installment loans, single payment loans, deposit advance loans, credit cards and overdraft protection services.

Related Topics

Small-dollar loans are critical to meet a variety of customer needs, such as to pay emergency expenses, to manage misalignments in the timing of their expenses and income, to cover a transition period between jobs or, for seasonal workers, to cover disruptions in pay.

Related Training & Events

ABA Small Dollar Lending Survey

This ABA survey showed that banks were using small dollar loans to meet low-income and rural credit needs.

Read the Survey

ABA Resources

ABA Communications Guide: Small Dollar Lending

Prepare for media interviews, write press releases, letters to the editor and speeches about small dollar lending.

See the ABA Communications Guide
Small Dollar Lending Regulatory Proposals

Our Experts

Jonathan Thessin

Jonathan Thessin

Vice President & Senior Counsel, Regulatory Compliance and Policy

Contact Jonathan

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