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ABA: The American Bankers Association

ABA Insurance Services: D&O, Bond, Cyber and Property & Casualty Insurance


Provider: ABA Insurance Services

ABA Insurance Services

ABA Insurance Services, a member of Great American Insurance Group, provides professional liability insurance, financial institution bonds, surety bonds, and property & casualty lines to banks across the country. The ABA endorsed insurance program is a market leader that has been supporting the banking industry for 35+ years. With a sustained market share of over 30%, 1 in 3 banks has been with the program for 10 or more years. As the only professional lines program in the marketplace to offer a distribution, the program’s primary reinsurer, American Bankers Mutual Insurance, Ltd., has declared 32 consecutive distributions to eligible banks, totaling over $94 million.

Primary Coverage

  • Directors & Officers Liability
  • Financial Institution Bond
  • Property & Casualty
  • Cyber Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Trust Services Liability
  • Surety Bonds, including STAMP 

ABA Member Discount

ABA members insured through the D&O/Bond program are eligible to receive annual distributions when declared by the reinsurer, American Bankers Mutual Insurance, Ltd.

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  • Unique specialization with focus on the banking industry
  • Experienced underwriters with financial industry backgrounds
  • Emphasis on loss control through distribution of educational materials
  • D&O/Bond program co-endorsed by 34 state bankers associations
  • Nationwide presence with approximately 1,500 insureds across the country
  • Leading provider of primary professional liability/bond coverage for banks with a 30% marketshare



ABAIS Serving the Banking Industry Since 1987


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