Re: Request for Information ACH Risk Management Topics
Maribel Bondoc
Manager, Network Rules
Nacha, The Electronic Payment Association
13450 Sunrise Valley Drive
Herndon, VA 20171
Thank you for the opportunity to submit feedback on the Request for Information on ACH Risk Management Topics issued on May 3, 2023. The American Bankers Association appreciates Nacha's efforts to protect the ACH Network and its efforts to seek feedback from industry participants on these issues. We are pleased to provide our comments on the four topics for consideration. ABA is providing these comments as guidance on the four issues discussed in the RFI. Recommendations to explore issues in greater detail should not be interpreted as endorsements of the proposal. ABA recommends that three of the four topics be considered worthy as proposed rules. As these issues become more refined as formal rule proposals and final rules, the specific requirements of each change become very important in determining if the cost of implementing the change is worth the benefit gained. At this stage, those details are not known.
ABA would like to thank Nacha for the opportunity of responding to the RFI on Risk Management Topics. If you have any questions about these comments, please contact me at (202) 663-5147.
Stephen K. Kenneally
Senior Vice President, Payments