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ABA: The American Bankers Association
Press Release

ABA Foundation Recognizes Older Americans Month, Offers New Resources on Financial Caregiving


In recognition of Older Americans Month, the ABA Foundation today released three new videos on financial caregiving as a part of its Safe Banking for Seniors program. The free national program, which aims to protect older Americans from financial exploitation, provides bankers with turnkey tools and resources to help them connect with their communities on this complex issue.

The animated videos, each under three minutes, offer guidance on choosing a financial caregiver, serving as a responsible financial caregiver, and understanding financial powers of attorney.  These short films build on the seven, scam-focused Safe Banking for Seniors videos released last year.

“Protecting our nation’s seniors and their money is a top priority for banks of all sizes,” said Sam Kunjukunju, vice president, consumer education for the ABA Foundation. “We hope that by educating people on the importance of responsible financial caregiving, we can help consumers safely prepare for their financial futures.”

In addition to the videos, the ABA Foundation also launched new consumer resource pages with tips and information to guide both seniors and caregivers wherever they are on their financial caregiving journey.

To help educate bankers on how best to leverage these resources, ABA and the ABA Foundation will host a webinar on May 9 at 2 p.m. ET. Participants will learn how to access tools and information to protect their bank’s older customers and hear from peers about strategies they have successfully employed in the field.

More than 420 banks of all sizes and charters plan to participate in the Safe Banking for Seniors program this year, with an anticipated reach of nearly 135,000 consumers. These critically important lessons, led by more than 6,800 banker volunteers, are a key component of the ABA Foundation’s three-year industry-wide commitment to reach five million Americans with financial education lessons through its campaigns. 

To learn more about the ABA Foundation’s Safe Banking for Seniors program and how your bank can participate, visit aba.com/seniors.


About the American Bankers Association

The American Bankers Association is the voice of the nation’s $24 trillion banking industry, which is composed of small, regional and large banks that together employ approximately 2.1 million people, safeguard $19 trillion in deposits and extend $12.4 trillion in loans.

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Blair Bernstein

(202) 663-5468

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